
Women from various countries display their cultural garments.

Story by Laura Romero

Setting aside routine, responsibilities and family, women from across the Allegheny West Conference (AWC) recently convened to enjoy personal time, renew their souls and focus on their Creator.

The women’s retreat, sponsored by the Multicultural Ministries Department, was held in Cincinnati, Ohio, where 236 ladies representing 15 countries from North, Central and South America met to be refreshed, challenged and healed. The program was in Spanish, with interpretation offered for Portuguese and English-speaking attendees.

Freshmen from various high schools within the New Jersey Conference discuss spiritual matters during a small group.

Story by Ashley Boggess

What do you get when you take five schools, more than 100 students, a few dozen adults, and the support of home, school and conference and provide a high school spiritual retreat for them? United youth praising God across the New Jersey Conference (NJC).

Luca Bravo/Unsplash

Story by Keisha Bone

The Allegheny West Conference (AWC) is delighted to share the news of a recent team promotion and two new hires, marking a stellar beginning to a year of prosperity.

Jasmine Best, previously an AWC senior accountant who has dedicated seven years to the organization, has been promoted to the position of assistant treasurer. Best holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, with a concentration in Human Resources.

Story by Adventist HealthCare staff

Adventist HealthCare has been named one of Newsweek’s Most Trustworthy Companies in America 2024. The list of 700 U.S. companies was announced March 27 after an analysis by Newsweek and Statista Inc., the world-leading statistics portal and industry ranking provider.

Adventist HealthCare was among only 10 hospitals and healthcare systems in the U.S. to receive this prestigious recognition.

Justin Luebke/Unsplash

Editorial by Tim Bailey

This April, as the Mountain View Conference (MVC) moves into a newquinquennium, I cannot help but look back and see how far we have come. God has blessed our small conference with many new people who have committed their lives to Him and joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Since our last constituency, we have experienced an almost 10 percent growth in membership, almost double the attendance, and a 12 to 20 percent increase in tithe, depending on the year.

Story by Michele Joseph

As a school psychologist and the lay pastor of Liberty Mission Seventh-day Adventist Church in Washington, D.C., Donald Ross always looks for ways to connect with people. 

Teaching Against Rage and Guns while Embracing Talents and Social Skills—called T.A.R.G.E.T.S.S.  —  was created to do just that for students whose environment leaves them a witness to gun violence. 

Through this program, he and his team—which includes his wife, home-based business owner Karen, and Maria Williams, the church Community Services director —give teens tools to build a better life.

In December, the church held its second graduation for the six-week course, which is funded by a city mini grant.