Who We Are, How We Serve

The Columbia Union Conference coordinates the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s work in the Mid-Atlantic United States, where 150,000 members worship in 860 congregations. We provide administrative support to eight conferences; two healthcare networks; 81 early childhood, elementary and secondary schools; a liberal arts university; a health sciences college; a 49 community services centers; 8 camps; 5 book and health food stores and a radio station.

Mission Values Priorities

We Believe

God is love, power, and splendor—and God is a mystery. His ways are far beyond us, but He still reaches out to us. God is infinite yet intimate, three yet one,
all-knowing yet all-forgiving.

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El Comité Ejecutivo de la Conferencia de la Unión de Colombia emitió esta declaración el 20 de noviembre.

Es con inquebrantable lealtad y amor por la misión, el mensaje y las creencias fundamentales de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día que hacemos un llamado a los líderes mundiales para que reconsideren la votación hecha en el Concilio Anual 2018 para aprobar un documento titulado "Respeto y práctica de la Sesión de la Conferencia General (CG) y Acciones del Comité Ejecutivo de la Conferencia General”.

Historia de V. Michelle Bernard

En la reunión de fin de año del Comité Ejecutivo de la Unión de Columbia el mes pasado, los miembros afirmaron la necesidad de centrarse en la misión, discutieron la votación anual del Concilio de la Conferencia General (CG) 2018 para implementar un nuevo sistema de conformidad sobre las entidades eclesiásticas de todo el mundo y votaron emitir una declaración en respuesta.

The Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee issued this statement November 20.

It is with unwavering allegiance to and love for the mission, message and fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that we appeal to world leaders to reconsider the vote at the 2018 Annual Council to approve a document titled “Regard for and Practice of General Conference (GC) Session and General Conference Executive Committee Actions.” 

Story by New Jersey Conference Staff

The New Jersey Conference recently selected Eliasib Fajardo to serve as the new Youth Ministries Director. In 2001 Fajardo, a native of Mexico, received a bachelor’s degree in theology at Montemorelos University (Mexico). From 2002–07, he pastored three churches in the Potomac Conference: the Washington Spanish church in Silver Spring, Md., the Beltsville (Md.) Spanish church and the Oxon Hill (Md.) Spanish church. He was also the Hispanic Youth Ministries coordinator for Potomac from 2004–07.