Chesapeake Conference

Anaynsi and David Nino join Highland View Academy faculty as school secretary and music instructor, respectively.

Story by Lori Zerne

As the 2018-19 school year opens, Chesapeake Conference's Highland View Academy (HVA) welcomes new faculty members and a few changes in responsibilities for returning staff.

The administration has hired David Nino to teach music, and his wife, Anaynsi, as school secretary. Andrew Lay, HVA’s previous music teacher, is now focusing his roles as the academy’s advancement director and alumni coordinator. 

Silhouette by Mick C from Flickr

Editorial by Rick Remmers

During the past few months, the Chesapeake Conference has pursued a process of dialogue with members, pastors and educators resulting in the executive committee approving an updated strategic plan: Our Vision—Fulfilling the Great Commission through vibrant, healthy churches and schools.

So, what does a healthy church look like? Well, when it comes to our physical health, most of us are familiar with the eight natural remedies: nutrition, exercise, water, sunshine, temperance, fresh air, rest and trust in God. What if we were to adapt these principles to the church?

Brad Barnwell photographed Elmer Herrera

Historia por Andre Hastick

Elmer Herrera y su familia se mudaron a Frederick, MD, a principios de la década de 2000. Él y su esposa, Olivia, ya habían ayudado a establecer iglesias en Hyattsville y Laurel, Maryland, y estaban ansiosos por volver a hacerlo cerca de su nuevo hogar.

Se unieron a un pequeño grupo que nalmente surgió como la iglesia hispana de Frederick en la Conferencia de Chesapeake. Pero Elmer, que dirige un pequeño negocio de pintura, dice que la iglesia estaba demasiado lejos de la comunidad hispana y quería comenzar otro grupo.