New Jersey Conference

Story by Stephen Lee

Her name derives from Hebrew, and it means “compassionate friend.” Without a doubt, Ruth Nino lives up to her name, further cementing its meaning with total devotion and loyalty to Seventh-day Adventist education.

Nino started her ministry of education in the New Jersey Conference’s (NJC) Tranquility School in Andover. She later taught at Waldwick Adventist School—the school she attended during her elementary years and where her love for education grew.

Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

Story by Stephen Lee

Sixty Children’s Ministries local church directors and staff from 22 churches attended the Children’s Ministries Convention earlier this year. Pamela Daly and Ana Maria Benzaquen from the North American Division Children’s Ministries Department presented the Ministering to Families track in English and Spanish.

The certification track ended on Saturday night with a graduation where many received a certificate and pin. On Sunday, the attendees participated in the Vacation Bible eXperience (VBX) live expo where they were equipped to conduct a week of VBX at their local churches.

As I read Jesus’ words in John 14:1, “Let not your heart be troubled”(NKJV), I cannot stop thinking about my 2-year-old granddaughter, Catalina, who was recently diagnosed with leukemia. How can I accept Jesus’ words when we—humankind—become so overwhelmed by problems that are many times beyond our control?