Columbia Union News

Ralph Martin, president of the Columbia Union Conference from 1994-1997, passed away June 19, 2021, at the age of 88. He was an administrator for 42 years--12 in the Columbia Union.

"Ralph was a very innovative leader, and one of the architects of the 'Caring Church' movement, says Dave Weigley, current union president. "He was known for being fresh and creative in ministry, trying different methods to move the mission forward."

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

In August, registration opens for “Relentless,” the 2022 Columbia Union Conference Pathfinder Camporee, August 10–14, at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia.

The facility boasts more than 10,000 acres to explore. Attendees will be able to fish, hike, mountain bike, zip line, scale a climbing wall, kayak, white water raft and more.

“We want our Pathfinders to know that God’s love for them is stubborn, unyielding and unchanging. ... He is fully committed to loving us with His relentless and unfailing love,” says Frank Bondurant, Columbia Union vice president for Ministries Development, whose team will oversee the event. Find out more at

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“For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Sam. 16:7, NKJV).

He landed on our doorstep, without an invitation, nor in swaddling clothes. He answered, on occasion, to “Buddy.” He was a white, 40-pound fur ball. My wife, Jackie, lacked enthusiasm regarding this unexpected addition to an otherwise empty nest. She had never liked big dogs, especially at grooming time. She never liked boy dogs for the obvious reasons, and she did not like the fact that he was all white, too hard to keep clean. And to boot, he came without papers. By all outward appearances, this pooch was a loser.

Histoire par Tiffany Doss

Durante el Tercer Congreso Quinquenal Constituyente de la Conferencia de Potomac, celebrada a través de Zoom en marzo, los delegados votaron como presidente de la conferencia a Charles A. Tapp, antiguo pastor principal de la iglesia de Sligo de la Conferencia de Potomac en Takoma Park, Maryland.

Cuando Bill Miller, presidente de la conferencia durante casi 15 años, se alejó de su cargo, expresó su gratitud a los constituyentes en su informe presidencial, diciendo: “Gracias a todos ustedes por los muchos años exitosos de traer almas preciosas al reino y el trabajo en el crecimiento de iglesias sanas y que hacen discípulos”.