Columbia Union News

The Pisgah Scorpians from the Bryan's Road church in Maryland participate in the Allegheny East Conference Pathfinder Bible Experience

This winter Pathfinders from participating clubs around the Columbia Union Conference studied and memorized the Book of Luke for the Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE). Teams participated in local, then conference events to test their knowledge.

After the Ohio Conference and Mountain View Conference PBE March 2, the next event will be the union level event on March 16.

Below is a list of the teams that have advanced to the union event:


Sung Kwon presents an award to Minnie McNeil as her husband, Andrew, looks on.

Story by V. Michelle Bernard / Photos by Dan Weber/NAD Communication

During the Adventist Ministries Convention in Albuquerque, N.M., North American Division (NAD) leaders recognized several longtime Columbia Union Conference leaders with Lifetime Achievement awards. 

“Our hope is that when we recognize and show gratitude to individuals who are [providing] exemplary contributions, other leaders are inspired to value excellence in their pursuits for God and His Church,” says Debra Brill, NAD’s vice president for Ministries and event organizer.

Story by V. Michelle Bernard / Photos by Andre Hastick

According to the Pew Research Center, nearly 78 percent of the world’s population is unable to worship their God in whatever way they see fit.  

Today, on Religious Freedom Day, local faith and civic leaders gathered at the North American Division (NAD) Headquarters in Columbia Md., for the NAD’s first Religious Freedom Prayer Breakfast. They celebrated the freedoms enjoyed in the United States and prayed for guidance in further fostering and sharing it with others.