Adventist Community Services

How We Serve

Adventist Community Services (ACS) Disaster Response is a service provided by Adventist Community services, the humanitarian agency of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that works within the United States and Bermuda.

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About ACS Disaster Response

Mission Statement
The mission of ACS Disaster Response is “serving communities in Christ's name.”

What is the ACS Disaster Response Network?
The ACS Disaster Response operation comprises volunteers who form local disaster response teams that are organized by state disaster response coordinators. State disaster response coordinators and teams assist regional disaster response coordinators to respond to multi-state calamities. The national disaster response coordinator manages the national program.

The union coordinator manages the union program and the conference coordinators manage the conference program.

Who are ACS Disaster Response Partners?

ACS Disaster Response operates under a memorandum of understanding with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the American Red Cross and many state emergency management agencies. It is also a founding member of the inter-agency compact called National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster ( NVOAD) and the affiliated state VOADs.


ACS disaster Response offers a multi-step training to equip volunteers to effectively respond to disasters. Completion of the training modules qualifies volunteers as skilled disaster response workers.

Services Provided

ACS Disaster Response helps disaster victims, their families, and community through:

  • Community Collection Centers
  • Donation Coordination Centers
  • Warehouse Operations
  • Crisis Response Counselors


Getting in Touch

Columbia Union ACS/DR Coordinator, Frank Bondurant


Local Conference Disaster Response Coordinators

Robert T. Smith, ACS Director, Allegheny East Conference
Office: (610) 326-4610, ext. 315

Jerome Hurst, ACS Director, Allegheny West Conference
Office: (614) 252-5271, ext. 43

Shawn Paris, ACS Director, Chesapeake Conference
Office: (410) 995-1910, ext. 341


Larry Murphy, ACS Director, Mountain View Conference
Office: (304) 422-4581

Mario Thorp, ACS/ACSDR Director, New Jersey Conference
Office: (609) 218-5651
Vacant, ACS/Disaster Response Coordinator, Ohio Conference
Todd Casey, ACS Director, Pennsylvania Conference
Office: (610) 374-8331
Bob Mitchell, Potomac Conference
Office: (540) 886-0771

North American Division

Office: (443) 391-7253
Toll Free: (877) 227-2702