Office of the President

How We Serve

The president provides spiritual and visionary leadership in developing plans and strategies for the accomplishment of the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Columbia Union territory. The president serves on numerous boards and committees and chairs the Washington Adventist University board, as well as the boards of the union’s Adventist HealthCare board. 

About Marcellus T. Robinson

Elder Robinson is a native of Cumberland, Virginia. He is an ordained minister of the gospel who has pastored churches in Lake Region and Allegheny East Conferences over forty years. Dr. Robinson has served as Ministerial Director, Director of Stewardship/Philanthropy and Trust Services and the Executive Secretary/Vice President of Administration for Allegheny East Conference. He most recently served as President of Allegheny East Conference.

Over the years, Elder Robinson has served on various church and community boards including Lake Region Conference Executive Committee and the Adventist HealthCare White Oak Medical Center (previously Washington Adventist Hospital) Board of Trustees. Presently, Dr. Robinson serves on the Allegheny East Conference, Columbia Union, and North American Division Executive Committees and the Adventist HealthCare Board of Trustees.

Elder Robinson is married to the former Maryann Lewis of Nassau Bahamas. They are both graduates of Andrews University. Dr. Robinson received his BA (1981), MDiv (1984) and the Doctor of Ministry (2008) degrees from Andrews University. Maryann is a registered nurse with a PhD in Behavioral Organizational Management and serves as a Captain in the United States Public Health Service. To their union of over 44 years, they have two adult daughters (Marquita and Marcia), two sons thru marriage (Karl Burnett and Brian Moore), three granddaughters (Malia, Meagan, and Maya), and one grandson (Malachi).

Dr. Robinson would like for all to remember: “If we meet and you forget me, you have lost nothing, but if you meet Jesus Christ and forget Him, you have lost everything.”

Getting in Touch

Office of the President

Telephone: (410) 997-3414

President: Marcellus T. Robinson
Office: ext. 531

Executive Assistant: Lovella Lapasam
Office: ext. 531



Columbia Union Annual Reports

2020 Biblical Perspectives on Racial Relations Summit —Coming Soon

2019 'Sola Scriptura' Leadership Conference and Video Presentations from the Conference

2016 Leadership Summit

2012 Special Constituency Reports