Editorial by Elisa Maragoto
The idea of being “In His Presence,” the theme of this year’s Hispanic Women’s Retreat, unifies every aspect of who we are. At the event, we learned, through the story of Esther, that it is in His presence we find our true identity. Our past and present circumstances and mistakes do not and should not define us. As we find refuge in His presence, we come to understand that our identity is in Jesus.
Story by Tamyra Horst
Pastor, BMA Alumnus Retires
Dave Woodruff grew up in Pennsylvania, and in 1966, graduated from Blue Mountain Academy (BMA) in Hamburg. After beginning his pastoral ministry in the Arkansas-Louisiana Conference, he moved back to Pennsylvania in 1984, where he pastored the New Brighton, New Castle, Sharpsville (now Shenango Valley), West Chester, Chester (now Grace Hispanic), Chambersburg, Waynesboro, York, Hanover, Lansdale, Phoenixville Mission and Souderton churches. He retires from full-time pastoral ministry September 1, 2018.
Story by Shelley Nolan Freesland, Adventist World Radio
Outside the windows of the small high-rise apartment, the predawn surroundings are pitch black. Miss Zhang* leans into her microphone and welcomes her online listeners to the live internet worship called Good Morning, China.
One by one, the names of group participants pop up on the chat screen. Some people are listening alone, while others gather in small groups: families at home, youth groups or clusters of people in a church. They tune in through their computers or mobile phones every weekday morning.
Story by Tiffany Doss
Stephen Laing recently joined the Potomac Conference as vice president for education. Since 2013 Laing served as principal of the Newbury Park Adventist Academy (Calif.). “Steve has more than 20 years of experience as a teacher and administrator,” says Bill Miller, president. “He has a passion for strengthening academics, enhancing the learning experience, creating environments for healthy spiritual growth and moving Adventist education forward.”
Story by Jerry Woods
More than 2,000 listeners recently hit the beach to join WGTS 91.9 on the “2018 Ice Cream Tour,” as it landed in North Beach, Md. The WGTS Service Gateway team spent time meeting listeners at a brand new beach pavilion on the boardwalk. They set up games, giveaways, a broadcast area and an ice cream station. Hosts Johnny and Stacey Stone, along with Tom Miner, broadcasted their afternoon show live from the event.
Story by LaTasha Hewitt
The Allegheny East Conference’s Communication Department recently hosted its third annual Connection and Ministry Communication Conference (CAMCON), themed “The Art of Communication.” Attendees included pastors, communication leaders and team members representing some 20 churches.
Editorial by Rick Remmers
During the past few months, the Chesapeake Conference has pursued a process of dialogue with members, pastors and educators resulting in the executive committee approving an updated strategic plan: Our Vision—Fulfilling the Great Commission through vibrant, healthy churches and schools.
So, what does a healthy church look like? Well, when it comes to our physical health, most of us are familiar with the eight natural remedies: nutrition, exercise, water, sunshine, temperance, fresh air, rest and trust in God. What if we were to adapt these principles to the church?