Historia de V. Michelle Bernard
El mes pasado, Fred Manchur, director financiero de Kettering Health, se retiró de su cargo.
“Ha sido la mayor bendición de mi vida trabajar junto a los increíbles profesionales médicos y el personal de Kettering Health durante más de 20 años”, dice Manchur.
Michael Mewhirter, actual director financiero, se desempeñará como director ejecutivo interino.
Historia de V. Michelle Bernard
Harold L. Lee, presidente de la Columbia Union Conference de 1998 al 2006, falleció el 9 de noviembre.
Después de asistir a Oakwood College (ahora Oakwood University) en Alabama, comenzó lo que serían más de 40 años de ministerio, pastoreando una congregación de Ohio en la Allegheny West Conference. También se desempeñó en la Caribbean Union Conference, North American Division and Allegheny East Conference; en el Departamento de Ministerios de la Iglesia de la General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Antes de convertirse en presidente, también se desempeñó como secretario ejecutivo de la Columbia Union.
Story by Lori Futcher / Photos by Brad Barnwell, V. Michelle Bernard and Kelly Butler Coe
"God has called you,” said Dave Weigley, president of the Columbia Union Conference, as he stood in front of a gathering of 50 female pastors, chaplains and theology students at the first-ever Columbia Union Women Clergy Retreat. “You have answered the call. Thank you for your service.”
Story by LaTasha Hewitt
Allegheny East Conference's New Life church in Gaithersburg, Md., recently hosted a stewardship emphasis series titled, “Money Moves.” Anthony O’Neal, financial literacy influencer and author, jumpstarted the series by delivering a message for worship service, followed by a Q & A session.
O’Neal’s message focused on how Christians should be stewards of God’s money. He shared four principles to help individuals in their journey to financial freedom: make the money, manage the money, multiply the money, and make the money matter. Following his message, attendees asked questions on topics ranging from investing to business ownership.
Story by Jerry Woods
In spite of a soggy start to the morning, WGTS listeners, along with community members, came with generous donations for the Toys for Tots toy drive in Arlington, Va., at the Iwo Jima Memorial. Thousands of toys were donated for this WGTS Hands and Heart project and will be distributed in area counties by Toys for Tots and affiliates. Toys for Tots has been providing toys to children for 75 years, since 1947.