
Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

Historia de V. Michelle Bernard

Los Adventistas del Séptimo Día han estado durante mucho tiempo en contra del consumo de alcohol en cualquier cantidad, mientras que algunos expertos en salud han abogado por una pequeña cantidad de vino para obtener beneficios para la salud.

NAD President Urges Members to ‘Reach Baltimore’, Chesapeake Conference, G. Alexander Bryant, Marcellus T. Robinson, John Bradshaw, Robert Costa, Escrito Esta

Story by Evan Knott

Church members from the Baltimore area recently gathered at the Baltimore White Marsh church to learn more about Reach Baltimore 2025, a collaborative evangelism project between Chesapeake Conference, Allegheny East Conference (AEC) and It Is Written, with additional support from the Columbia Union Conference and the North American Division (NAD).

Story by Lisa Krueger

That smile on the little boy’s face when he received the sticker, that tear in the woman’s eye as our team prayed with her – these stories happening thousands of times, over and over. That’s what community engagement is all about –making connections.

Of course, you can find the WGTS team on the radio at 91.9 and 88.3 every day of the year. And on-air ministry is where you can hear the music and conversation provided by our hosts, live and in the studios with you from 5 a.m. to midnight.

But our staff and our volunteers can also be found on-location throughout the region. You’ll find us at churches, at schools, at hospitals, at concerts, at convention centers, on the golf course, and many more spots throughout the region.

Tranquility School Celebrates 50 Years, New Jersey Conference, Elaine Lopez, Elisa Maragoto

Story by Stephen Lee

The Tranquility Adventist School (TAS) in Andover recently celebrated 50 years of God’s grace and mercy on Seventh-day Adventist education. TAS began in a humble barn on the grounds of the former Garden State Academy. The school moved to its current location in 1974.

Potential new headquarters of the Potomac Conference

Story by Potomac Conference Staff

The Potomac Conference Executive Committee voted to relocate its administrative office from Staunton, Virginia, to Silver Spring, Maryland, following the Administrative Committee’s recommendation. This decision marked the end of decades of debate and previous unsuccessful efforts to move the office.

John Schnobrichun/Unsplash

Story by Liz Bailey

Three new families have recently joined the Mountain View Conference (MVC) team.

Jessica Lindao, a member of the Parkersburg (W.Va.) church, has recently accepted a call to serve as the administrative assistant in the MVC office. An answer to prayer, she comes equipped with many talents and skills that will help the office run smoothly. She is married to Juan Rugel, and they have one son, Alex Rugel (pictured above).

Julie and Ken Norton

Story by Eddie Schwisow

Ken Norton, president of the Montana Conference, has accepted the Voice of Prophecy’s invitation to serve as the Discover Bible School director. He will begin his service at the ministry on March 2.

Norton will replace Bill Payne, who recently became the director for Sabbath School and Personal Ministries at the North American Division.