
Kelly Butler Coe, directora de arte y diseñadora gráfica de la revista Visitor de la Unión de Columbia, fue ascendida recientemente a directora asociada durante la reunión del Comité Ejecutivo de la Unión de Columbia.

Junto con sus deberes de diseño y dirección de arte, Coe ayuda a administrar varios proyectos, incluida la carrera de este año de 5 Km realizada por el aniversario de la revista Visitor, la promoción de la iniciativa 2021 Año de la Biblia de la unión y el calendario anual de la unión.

“Nuestra oración es que Dios continúe bendiciendo el servicio de Kelly y su dedicación a la excelencia”, agrega Celeste Ryan Blyden.


Historia de Jenevieve Lettsome

A principios de este año, la Oficina de Comunicación Estratégica y Relaciones Públicas de la Unión de Columbia se asoció con AdventSource para publicar el Manual de Comunicación.

Más de 20 expertos en comunicación de toda la unión contribuyeron con artículos sobre la ley de derechos de autor, redes sociales, relaciones con los medios, producción de videos, mercadotecnia, fotografía, marcas, redacción de noticias, diseño de sitios web y más.

Editorial by Rob Vandeman

For centuries, throngs of people sung Psalm 133 on the road as they made the ascent to Jerusalem for festival worship. Our imaginations readily reconstruct those scenes. How great to have everyone sharing a common purpose, trav-eling a common path, moving toward a common goal—that path, purpose and goal being God. How much better than making the long trip alone.

As we come to declare our love for God, we must face the reality that, while we are a family of faith, we are not necessarily one big happy family. We do not immediately stop being sinners the moment we first believe in Christ. Most all of us need some degree of remedial help in gracious family living. But if God is our Father, then this is our family.

Endless Possibilities

Histoire de V. Michelle Bernard
Rob Vandeman, un administrateur et pasteur qui a exercé son ministère pour l’Église Adventiste Septième Jour depuis près de 50 ans, a annoncé qu’il prévoyait de démissionner à la fin de l’année de son rôle de secrétaire exécutif de l’Union de Columbia.

Pasteur Vandeman, qui occupe son poste actuel depuis 2011, planifie de continuer à travailler pour l’Union de Columbia à un certain titre jusqu›à l’assemblée des membres de l’union en juillet 2021.

Image from Free Photos on Pixabay

Story by Jenevieve Lettsome

Earlier this year, the Columbia Union’s Office of Strategic Communication and Public Relations partnered with AdventSource to publish the Communication Handbook with articles on copyright law, social media, media relations, video production, marketing, photography, branding, news writing, website design and more.

Project coordinator and editor, Celeste Ryan Blyden, vice president for Strategic Communication and Public Relations, notes, “Our goal was to provide tools and
ideas to facilitate and enhance efforts to tell our Church’s stories and share our message internally and externally.”

Story by Dupont Park Church Staff

Members of Allegheny East Conference’s Dupont Park church in Washington, D.C., were disappointed when they had to suspend their Community Baby Shower (CBS) and Back to School Giveaway, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Several months into the community’s new normal of social distancing, and after much prayer and discussion over the church’s spiritual obligation to the community, church members started planning the event.

Dupont Park’s Inner-City Ministries leader, Lamont Bailey, says, “Our goal [was] simple: to eliminate the choice parents have to make—deciding between what’s best for their kids and best for their budget.” 

By WGTS Staff

Much like books can stretch our imagination and transport us to new and exciting places, the radio signal of WGTS 91.9 has the ability to reach beyond our area and bring people from throughout the world into our listening family.

Meet WGTS 91.9 listener Christian Sollberger, a pastor of a Mennonite church in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. He discovered the station when his daughter attended her Swiss friend’s wedding in Washington, D.C., and she started listening. “Since then, I tune into WGTS several times a week,” says Sollberger, “especially as I pray when I’m jogging or hiking.

“As soon as I turn it on, the ‘encouragement engine’ is started,” he says.

Story by Jacklyn Ruth

Recently, the STEM department at Highland View Academy (Hagerstown, Md.) received a grant totaling $9,992 from the Toshiba America Foundation (TAF). These funds will go to support the Astronomy for All Project, a new STEM elective course created by Kenji Nomura, computer science, math teacher and IT Manager at Highland View Academy. 

"When we went online during the spring semester, I started researching potential astronomy projects that we could conduct remotely with the students in our STEM program," says Nomura. "The class is taught partially as a lecture and partially as night observation sessions with the equipment we were able to obtain through the grant awarded by Toshiba. The class is designed to cover several cross-curricular topics surrounding astronomy."