
Blog by Rob Vandeman

C. S. Lewis called Psalm 8 a “short, exquisite lyric.” Derek Kidner, in his excellent two-volume study of the Psalms, says, “This psalm is an unsurpassed example of what a hymn should be, celebrating as it does the glory and grace of God, rehearsing who He is and what He has done, and relating us and our world to Him, all with a masterly economy of words, and in a spirit of mingled joy and awe.” He adds rightly, “The range of thought takes us not only ‘above the heavens’ (v. 1) and back to the beginning (v. 3, 6-8) but, as the New Testament points out, on to the very end.” The psalms theme is the greatness of God and the place of man (mankind) within God’s universe.

The hymn has four obvious parts:

Blog by Rob Vandeman

The Psalms and the flow of human life can be roughly grouped into three themes: psalms of orientation, psalms of disorientation and psalms of new or reorientation.

Story by Debra McKinney Banks

For many years, the conference Adventist Book Center (ABC) was the place to get your “veggie meat.” Traditionally, located in the basement or backroom of a conference office building, church, or on an academy campus, and mostly geared to Adventist customers, the ABC of 20+ years ago has had to evolve to stay alive. Unfortunately, not all of them have survived.

Los líderes de la Unión de Columbia anunciaron los presentadores para “Levántate”, la 2017 Cumbre de Jóvenes Adultos de la Unión de Columbia. Steve Case (en la foto), presidente de Involve Youth en California, será el orador principal. Tiffany Brown, directora de la Escuela de Evangelismo Urbano REACH de la Unión de Columbia, Kris Eckenorth, pastor de la iglesia Grace Outlet en Reading, Pennsylvania y Marquis Johns, pastor principal de la iglesia de Filadelfia Norte, serán algunos de los presentadores. 

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Peter M. Simpson, coordinador de los ministerios hispanos en la Asociación de Ohio, bautizando a Salvador Hernández, un nuevo miembro de la iglesia hispana de Hamilton

Durante el Congreso de la Unión de Columbia en mayo 2016, los líderes de la unión y los presidentes de las asociaciones se comprometieron en continuar enfocándose fuertemente en el evangelismo durante el nuevo quinquenio, comenzando con una iniciativa bajo el lema “Comparte la luz, comparte la esperanza”.  A continuación, se destacan los resultados de algunos de estos esfuerzos:

Story by Debra McKinney Banks and Celeste Ryan Blyden

A longtime mainstay in many Seventh-day Adventist homes, meat analogs are steadily gaining popularity outside our community, thanks to the growing trend of plant-based eating; Meatless Monday campaigns to eliminate animal protein one day a week; the rise of flexitarians seeking to adopt a healthier lifestyle; and a segment of the population driven to alleviate chronic health issues.

Story by V. Michelle Bernard/ Photos by Allison Shelley

When Summer Porter drove to Washington Adventist Hospital (WAH) in Takoma Park, Md., last June, she thought that maybe the dog at the daycare had bitten her almost 4-month-old baby Breelyn Elizabeth. “Death had not entered my mind,” she says. A WAH employee told Porter to wait and that somebody would come talk with her. She soon found out that Breelyn hadn’t woken up from a nap at daycare. 

The Aphasia Tunes — a choir comprising people with a language disorder—practice.

Story by Adventist HealthCare Staff

It makes sense that the estimated 1 million people in the U.S. who have aphasia cannot easily explain their condition. A language disorder, which typically results from a stroke or other damage to the brain, impairs a person’s ability to speak. Unfortunately, it also makes sense that people with the condition feel isolated.