
Editorial by Kevin Krueger

Is your heart leaning toward stress today or toward hope? Take a moment to consider Jesus’ promise in John 14:27 — I am leaving you with a gift — peace of mind and heart.

Take hold of that promise today, grip it with all your might. Perhaps you’ve wondered for years about where you’ll find peace of heart.

Gary shared with us, “I struggled with drugs and alcohol for 30 years. Last year I began listening to WGTS. You led me back to God and helped me find a church. Because of WGTS, I’ve made major changes in my life and have been sober for seven months.”

Final Empire Series Kicks Off

Story by Ron Mills

In this election year, as millions of Americans consider the future of the United States, some are taking a step back to consider the nation’s origins. How did the idea of the United States germinate? What forces were at play at the beginning? What role did religion really have in the formation of the nation? And what can history teach us as we consider the decisions America faces today?

Shady Grove Medical Center today.

Story by Thomas Grant

Looking at the buildings and bustle around Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center today, it’s hard to believe that the hospital’s Rockville, Maryland, campus was acres of farmland before the 1970s. As Shady Grove turned 40 in December, it celebrated its growth and expansion plans under a new leader to serve more of its suburban Washington, D.C., community.

Story by Kimi-Roux James

Members of Potomac Conference's Sligo church's Adventurer’s Club in Takoma Park, Md., recently welcomed a special guest from Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)

Mario Oliveira, ADRA’s emergency response director, met with nearly two dozen 4 - 9 year olds to share his expertise about safe water.

“With children, you have to be creative so it’s easier for them to learn what ADRA does to bring clean water to people in need,” says Oliveira. 

Club members colored life-like images of water wells and water pumps while they listened about different ways people use to get water.

Editorial by Gary Gibbs

This past fall, 2,237 Pennsylvania Conference members visited more than 10,000 homes to pray with people and offer free Bible studies. On that day, we united together to answer Jesus’ call to be “good Samaritans” to our neighbors (see Luke 10:29–37).

Today’s society separates us from the community around us. Visiting our neighbors is a ministry that bridges this isolation; it enables us to connect with people who need Jesus.

Shortly after one of our members left a Bible study card on the door of a home where there was no answer, we received the following message from that very home:

Story by Elizabeth Long

Kettering Adventisth HealthCare is making three key leadership changes.

Brenda Kuhn, RN, PhD, FACHE, CPHQ, has been promoted to executive vice president and chief clinical officer for Kettering Adventist HealthCare. She is responsible for working with physician and clinical leaders to align patient care across the network. Kuhn will continue to oversee the network’s quality initiatives. She most recently served as Kettering’s chief quality officer. Prior to that she was the network’s chief nursing officer.

Grow by Rodrigo Olivera from Flickr

Editoral por Jorge Agüero

Hay tres realidades en las iglesias cristianas, incluyendo la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día, que no podemos negar: 1. las iglesias están creciendo, 2. las iglesias están estancadas en su crecimiento, 3. las iglesias están decreciendo y finalmente muriendo.

Numerosas investigación del Grupo Barna y Gallup señalan que la mayoría de las iglesias en los Estados Unidos no están creciendo. Pero creo que a la Iglesia Adventista se le ha dado un mandato divino para crecer.

Grow by Brian Donovan from Flickr

Editorial by Jorge Aguero

There are three realities in Christian churches—including the Seventh-day Adventist Church—that we cannot deny: Churches are growing; churches are stagnant in their growth; or churches are declining and finally dying.

Numerous research from the Barna-Group and Gallup report that most churches in the U.S. are not growing. But I believe that the Adventist Church has been given a divine mandate to grow.

New Jersey Conference’s 2020 motto is “Grow: Sharing Hope.” God gave a mandate for church growth, known as the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18–20).