Christian Record Services, Inc., is inviting qualified undergraduate students to apply for the Anne Lowe Scholarship. Last year, the organization awarded five-$2,000 scholarships.
Interview by Visitor Staff
Potomac Conference churches recently had the opportunity to receive funds to enhance their Media Ministries. (Read more here.) The Visitor staff interviewed Richard Castillo, Potomac’s Media director, for tips that all churches can use to improve this vital ministry.
Visitor: What is the most important thing (social media-wise) churches can do to increase their reach?
Story by V. Michelle Bernard, with reporting by Rocky Twyman / Images by Tijuana Griffin
Members of Allegheny East Conference’s Fourth Street Friendship church in Washington, D.C., operate a soup kitchen every Sunday, and this past Christmas, which fell on a Sunday, was no exception.
An estimated 50 people experiencing homelessness attended the event to enjoy a gourmet holiday meal and free winter caps, gloves and thermal underwear to prepare for the cold months ahead.
Story by Potomac Conference Staff
During the 2022 opening address of North American Division's (NAD) year-end meetings, G. Alexander Bryant, NAD president, encouraged leadership across the division to explore opportunities in which “we can maximize and expand our utilization of media.” This need became acute during the pandemic and challenged church members to find their church outside their physical buildings.
Charles A. Tapp, current Potomac Conference president, was a senior pastor at Sligo church in Takoma Park, Md., when the pandemic hit. Like most pastors across the spectrum of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Tapp gathered his resources and began preaching to empty seats each week.
Robert Chandler recently joined the Columbia Union Conference team as the associate treasurer for Accounting Information Systems.
He previously served as the treasurer at the Northeastern Conference.
“Robert has a rare combination of knowledge and experience in nonprofit accounting and accounting information systems application,” says Emmanuel Asideu, treasurer.
Read and Share Articles from the January/February 2023 Visitor:
Story by Ohio Conference Staff
Join the Ohio Conference for the third annual Bible Read Challenge during January 2023!
Following in the footsteps of the great preacher, H.M.S. Richards, participants will journey through the scriptures during the 31 days of the first month of the year!
Reading the Bible in a month is a different type of study of the scriptures. Rather than sitting down to read your favorite author, or watching that new TV series that launched – we’ll be reading the Bible for the grand narrative of God’s story.
Editorial by Dave Weigley
When I used to ride motorcycles, I heard a saying, “There are only two kinds of motorcyclists: those who have been down, and those who will be down.” This is also true in the human experience. There are only two kinds of people: those who have been through a crisis and those who will encounter one in the future. Life is tough, fragile, unforgiving.
Nelson Mandela’s example of perseverance in tough times has always inspired me. He was incarcerated for 27 years for resisting apartheid and other injustices in South Africa. During his sentence, he endured hard labor, toiling in hot, dry conditions without appropriate clothing.
Historia de V. Michelle Bernard
Frank Bondurant, vicepresidente del Desarrollo de Ministerios de la Columbia Union, comparte que en el 2022, la unión ayudó a financiar 61 proyectos de plantación de iglesias (22 nuevos, 39 existentes).
Este año, el departamento ha ayudado a obtener $449,500 en fondos para proyectos de iglesias y ministerios locales en toda la unión, incluidos centros urbanos de influencia, servicios comunitarios adventistas/ayuda en casos de desastre, proyectos para jóvenes/jóvenes adultos y más.