Allegheny East Conference

Story by Shannon Kelly / Photos by Brad Barnwell

After years of being homeless and drug-addicted, Stephanie Grant finally hit rock bottom. "I was sick and tired of being sick and tired," she says. "I had the audacity to tell God, 'If you exist, prove it. Fix me. And by the way, God,'" she laughs, "'don't send me to a church to do it.'"

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Love in Pictures is Alexis A. Goring’s second Christian novel about how faith and love intertwine. Goring, a member of Potomac Conference’s Restoration Praise Center in Bowie, Md., says she hopes readers will come away realizing, among other things, that “God is good. God is in control, and true love should always win.”

Read our interview with her below:

Visitor Staff: What would you like readers to take away from reading this book?

Regional Prison Ministries chapter presidents pose with elected officers at the recent constituency meeting held at Miracle City church in Baltimore.

Story by LaTasha Hewitt

At a recent constituency meeting, members of Allegheny East Conference’s (AEC) Prison Ministries Federation elected officers to serve for the next quinquennium. Constituents re-elected Ronald Timpson, a member of the Miracle City church in Baltimore, as federation president; Fitz Wilson of the Trinity Temple church in Newark, N.J., as vice president; and Romel Holley from the North Philadelphia (Pa.) church as treasurer.