Columbia Union News
Story by Dan Weber
The North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is holding their second annual enditnow Summit on Abuse, September 24 –25, 2018, at their Columbia, Maryland, headquarters. The meetings will be held in both Spanish (24th) and English (25th) and will focus on ways that religious leaders, educators and lay members can identify; responsibly respond to; and prevent sexual, physical and emotional abuse.
The summit, which can be viewed online at, is open to people from all faith-based backgrounds.
Story by V. Michelle Bernard
Adventist Community Services (ACS) Disaster Relief (DR) staff around the Columbia Union conferences are preparing for the potential local landfall of Hurricane Florence.
Florence could possibly impact parts of Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia and Ohio. (Visit local sources for up-to-date information on your location.)
Story by Juliana Savoy
This summer 21pastors, many from the Columbia Union Conference, enrolled in the “Seminar in Preaching Class,” offered by the Institute of Hispanic Ministry (IHM) at Andrews University (Mich.) Evangelist Alejandro Bullón taught the class at Potomac Conference’s Washington Spanish church in Silver Spring, Md. Seventeen additional pastors attended and assisted with the course.
Historia por Juliana Savoy
Este verano 21 pastores, la mayoría del territorio de la Union de Columbia se inscribieron en la clase "Seminario de predicación" ofrecido por el Instituto de Ministerio Hispano (IHM) de la Universidad de Andrews (Mich.) El evangelista Alejandro Bullón enseñó la clase en la iglesia Washington Spanish de la Conferencia Potomac en Silver Spring, Md. Diecisiete pastores de la Unión se sumaron a la clase como oyentes.