
Story by Vicki Swetnam

Ohio Conference's Spring Valley Academy is pleased to announce that senior Rebekah Shull has been named as a 2023 semifinalist from among the 1.3 million program entrants that entered the 2023 National Merit Scholarship Program (NMSP). By taking the 2021 Preliminary SAT/ National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, which served as an initial screen of program entrants, Shull is among the nationwide pool of semifinalists—representing less than one percent of United States high school seniors, which includes the highest scoring entrants in each state.

Takoma Academy, Potomac Conference, Maya Rawls, Dori Caines, Kevin McCray, Milan Scott, Whitney Mack

Story by Shaun Robinson

This school year, Takoma Academy (TA) welcomed five new members to its teaching staff: two math teachers; a history teacher; an English Language Arts teacher; and an athletic director. Some schools end up with teachers who go into education as a secondary option or who consider the job to be some sort of mitzvah. This group, however, is different. They have truly been called by God to do what they do.

Shenandoah Valley Academy, Don Short, Potomac Conference

Story by Janel Haas Ware

At the recent Shenandoah Valley Academy Senior Dedication, Principal Don Short placed the Class of 2023—made up of 56 seniors—into God’s loving care during his dedication prayer:

Dear Father,

What a tremendous collection of dreams, hopes and desires on the platform this evening. It is with those dreams and desires that we come to you as teachers, administrators, parents, grandparents to ask for Your help.