
Story by Tamyra Horst

“One in three teens struggle with anxiety disorders,” states Burney Culpepper, princial of Pennsylvania Conference's Blue Mountain Academy (BMA). “Mental health is foundational to our overall well-being, but it feels like resources and a safe space to talk about the issues we face can be hard to find. Our recent mental health weekend laid a biblical foundation that will help our students cope with this growing health issue.”

At BMA’s recent “Peace of Mind” mental health conference, students and church members from around the area discovered practical help on topics like depression and anxiety from breakouts on “Disappointment, Depression and Deliverance,” “Healing From Hurtful Habits,” “Self-Identity” and “CALM: A Recipe for Peace in Times of Chaos.”

Story by Darren Wilkins

It is with great sadness that I share with you the passing of our beloved grades 3 and 4 teacher and alumna Mrs. Kimberly Geach Orr (’06) on November 19, due to flu complications. Orr taught at Spring Valley Academy (SVA) for the past seven-and-a-half years, and the school has already felt the void left by her unexpected departure.

The memory of her radiant smile, easy laugh and dedicated teaching will live on for a long time in all of us. Orr leaves behind her husband, Cameron, and 2-year-old daughter, Scarlett. She will be sadly missed by her family, students and friends, but we rejoice because we have that “Blessed Hope” to meet her again one day!

Maxine is pictured center with former current students and colleagues

Historia de V. Michelle Bernard

Maxine Forbes-Goulding, una de 454 educadores que prestan servicios en 74 escuelas de la Unión de Columbia, fue nombrada recientemente Maestra del Año entre los maestros de escuelas no públicas en Nueva Jersey.

El Consejo para la Educación Privada Estadounidense (CAPE, por sus siglas en inglés) de Nueva Jersey nombró recientemente a Maxine Forbes-Goulding, maestra de la Escuela Adventista del Séptimo Día de Waldwick de la Conferencia de Nueva Jersey, Maestra del Año 2019 de las Escuelas No Públicas.