Health & Lifestyle

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Charity Stone (pictured with family), whose husband, Tom, is a pastor at the Pennsylvania Conference Kenhorst Boulevard church in Reading and the Pottstown church, and her young family attended iThrive this summer, hoping to get “healthier at setting boundaries in order to protect the overall health of our family,” she says. “As a pastoral family, we love to serve, but sometimes it is necessary to say no to tasks or people in our sphere of ministry so that we can stock up on fresh produce, take a walk when the kids need physical activity in nature or just plain connect as a couple and family.”

She says the retreat offered a way for the family to “to prioritize our spiritual, emotional and physical health. It was really fun to connect with others at the retreat, and we learned so much,” she adds.

Historia de la revista Visitor y del personal de la iglesia de Capitol Hill

En 2017, Emil Peeler, el pastor principal de la iglesia Capitol Hill de la Conferencia Allegheny East en Washington, D.C., tuvo la visión de abrir un centro que ayudaría a abordar los problemas de salud mental que afectan las vidas de las personas en los vecindarios del área de D.C. "En muchas áreas de mi vida, como pastor, profesor, líder de la comunidad, incluso como amigo, veía personas en todos los niveles de ingresos que se veían afectadas por problemas de salud mental", dice Peeler. “La necesidad de terapia parecía mayor que los servicios disponibles, y aprendí que muy pocos servicios integraban una perspectiva cristiana. Dios puso en mi corazón que necesitaba hacer algo ".

photo by steve pb on pixabay

Recipe by Oleta Emerson, head cook at Mountain View Conference's Wellness Camp

12 - 15 cups                 Chopped Cauliflower
6 cups                           Water
1/3 cup (or to taste)      Chicken Style seasoning
2 tsp  (or to taste)         Pink Himalayan Salt
3 cups                           Chopped Yellow Onion
1 & 1/2 cup                   Cashews
1 cup                             Water

Image by Free-photos on Pixabay

Share your plans with the Lord and you will succeed.—Proverbs 16:3

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We’ve gathered several tools and recipes to help you stick to your New Year’s resolutions and meal planning for 2020!

Meal Planning and Recipes