This Month's Issue

¿Quién predicará en los campestres de Columbia Union en el 2023?

La temporada de los campestres está a la vuelta de la esquina. Use la guía en línea del Visitor para encontrar a su orador favorito o para obtener más información sobre reuniones en línea o en persona en Columbia Union.

Allegheny East Conference (¡Información próximamente!)

Allegheny West Conference, del 21 al 25 de junio, en Columbus, Ohio

El pastor Henry Wright será el orador principal del campestre de AWC de este año. (Más detalles próximamente).

Campestre en Inglés de Chesapeake Conference, del 13 al 17 de junio, en Hagerstown, Md.

Beth Macdonald/Unsplash

Story by Liz Bailey

Join this year’s Mountain View Conference (MVC) Camp Meeting, June 16–24, at Valley Vista Adventist Center in Huttonsville, W.Va. There attendees will learn how to become soul winners. The first weekend’s featured speaker will be Kurt Johnson, Bible School director for the Voice of Prophecy ministry. The closing weekend will feature John Bradshaw, president of It Is Written, a media evangelism ministry based in Collegedale, Tenn.

Jackson Simmer/Unsplash

By Thomas Luttrell

Statistically, about 40–50 percent of married couples will end in divorce, and 75 percent will remarry. The rate of divorce for second marriages increases to about 60 percent, and even higher when there are children involved. This means the majority of blended families will break up. Christians, including Seventh-day Adventists, are not immune to this and tend to mirror divorce rates of the larger society.