Ohio Conference

Mercer Fox, a fifth-grader, holds a “fire snake” during a STEM Buddies session.

Story by Dillon Zimmerman

Ohio Conference's Spring Valley Academy (SVA) is making a concentrated effort to expand their science program this year. One route they have taken is an initiative dubbed “STEM Buddies.” The vision of STEM Buddies involves high school students sharing the knowledge they have acquired in their science courses with lower grades using a method that is both understandable and enjoyable.

By Heidi Shoemaker

Despite several delays due to travel and social distancing restrictions amidst the Covid-19 crisis, members of the Ohio Conference Presidential Selection Committee voted overwhelmingly to extend a call to Bob Cundiff to be president of the Ohio Conference.

“I’m excited for Ohio in calling Bob Cundiff. He brings a deep passion for soul-winning and engaging young adults in the mission of the church,” says Dave Weigley, Columbia Union president and chairman of the Selection Committee.

Le Comité Exécutif de la Fédération de l'Ohio a récemment nommé Roy M. Simpson comme le nouveau trésorier de la fédération.

Mr Simpson a su très tôt qu'il voulait servir l'Église Adventiste du Septième Jour, mais pas en tant que pasteur comme son père, mais spécifiquement dans le domaine des finances. Afin d'acquérir l'expérience qu'il savait nécessaire, il s'est porté volontaire à l'âge de 16 ans en tant que caissier au Département du Trésor de la Fédération locale de l’Honduras Atlantique. Là, il a travaillé en étroite collaboration avec le comptable et le trésorier, qui étaient disposés à le former  et à travailler avec lui, afin de lui permettre d'apprendre comment fonctionne une fédération.


Story by Heidi Shoemaker

What is ReCharge, and why did 85 high school students, along with their chaperones, commute to the Kettering (Ohio) church in January?

"ReCharge is a day set in the middle of school year, just for high school-aged students,” shares Edward Marton, Ohio Conference youth director. “Sometimes it’s in the middle that we need the presence of Christ, and sometimes it’s in the middle that we get discouraged,” he says.

Dave Weigley and Emmanuel Asiedu flank conferences presidents and WAU president after the Columbia Union Ex Committee voted to revert funds to the conferences and WAU

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

“We believe in sharing God’s blessings with our entities,” said Columbia Union Conference Treasurer Emmanuel Asiedu. “[We] want to give $550,000 back to our entities to support the mission. [We’re] giving the money now so we can share the blessings now.”