Pennsylvania Conference

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Editorial by Bonnie Navarro 
Photo by Plichel on pixaby.jpg

Osceola McCarty was born in 1908. She lived with her aunt and grandmother in Mississippi. When her aunt returned from a hospitalization unable to walk, McCarty dropped out of school to care for her. She never went back. Instead, she became a washerwoman—getting up early in the morning to light a fire under her wash pot, wash the clothes on a scrub board, hang them on a 100-foot-long clothesline, and when they were dry, iron until 11 p.m. at night.

Story by Tracey S. Lewis

Pennsylvania Conference’s Harrisburg First church recently welcomed more than 300 members and guests to its special 125th year anniversary service, themed “Come Home to Jesus.”

The event featured a weekend of fellowship, testimonials and renewed commitment to reaching the lost through personal revival and recommitment to God’s love. Speakers included Pastor Chuck Holtry; Kenneth Stout, a professor at Andrews University (Mich.) and former pastor; and Gary Gibbs, Pennsylvania Conference president, who helped mark the church’s milestone and commended its legacy of service and steadfastness in Central Pennsylvania.

Barbara Spessard is now a member of the Waynesboro church, in large part due to her son Tony Hade’s relentless prayers for 15 years.

Story by Tamyra Horst

Barbara Spessard has been intermittently around Seventh-day Adventists for most of her life. Her in-laws, Roy and Mabel Hade, shared biblical truths from an Adventist’s perspective nearly 50 years ago. Velora Gunder, a member of the Pennsylvania Conference's Waynesboro church, shared Bible studies with Spessard a number of years ago. More recently, Chris Trent, a Bible instructor for the Waynesboro church, studied with her. She attended Sabbath vespers and Sabbath School.

Story by Tamyra Horst

Building machines while working with the concept of hydraulics. Exploding pipettes with dry ice. Making key chains using 3-D pens and observing the 3-D printers in action. Understanding how salt depresses the melting point of ice while creating an ice cream treat. Field trips to Washington, D.C., New York City and Hershey, Pa. Blue Mountain Academy’s (BMA) STEAM Summer Camp got kids exploring, discovering, examining and creating through science, technology, engineering, art and math.

Story by Tamyra Horst

Pennsylvania Conference team recently said, “Goodbye” and honored pastor Lynn Gatz (pictured with his wife, Donna) and Blue Mountain Academy staff member Glenn Sutton (pictured with his wife, Kathleen) during camp meeting, as both retired and now begin new adventures.

Gatz has served in pastoral ministry for 50 years. Over the last 20 years, he pastored the Coudersport, Derrick City, Mount Jewett and Warren churches in Northern Pennsylvania. He and his wife are looking forward to time with family upon retirement—though he will continue to work as a chaplain in his community.