Potomac Conference

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“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away” (Rev. 21:4, NIV).

In the time we are living, especially with this pandemic, Revelation 21:4 fills me with hope and happiness because Jesus is coming soon, and there will be no more pain or crying. Recently, in a class in my Pathfinder’s club, we studied the first vision of Ellen White. That gave me even more hope, knowing that this will all happen, and that very soon we will live in a better place.

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“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Prov. 18:21, NKJV).

This verse reminds me of the power that words have, and that I have to watch what I say. Words can either encourage or destroy, and, because they can stick in one’s mind forever, they can positively or negatively affect the lives of others. This is important to me because I have not always been careful with my words, and have hurt people as a result.

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“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Prov. 18:21, NKJV).

This verse reminds me of the power that words have, and that I have to watch what I say. Words can either encourage or destroy, and, because they can stick in one’s mind forever, they can positively or negatively affect the lives of others. This is important to me because I have not always been careful with my words, and have hurt people as a result.

Story by Salena Fitzgerald

Alumni weekends are traditionally held annually, face to face and in a familiar environment. Last year was very challenging, however, forcing most people to adapt to new realities. Due to the pandemic, Potomac Conference's Takoma Academy (TA) wasn’t able to host their 2020 Alumni Weekend on campus, celebrating years ending in zero and five. For this year’s event, the Alumni Association decided to expand the celebration and honor both last year and this year’s honorary alumni, celebrating classes ending in zero, one, five and six.

Story by Debra Anderson

Some might say Vacation Bible School (VBS) is synonymous with summertime, and this summer was no exception. William Ovalle, pastor of the Manassas (Va.) Central Spanish, the Manassas (Va.) Battlefield Spanish and the Centreville (Va.) Spanish churches, along with his wife, Tetiana, and their sons, Vitaly and Matthias, decided to take a step of faith and expand the concept of VBS.

The family organized a VBS event for their entire district, instead of hosting an event solely for their church members. It was the first VBS for the area since the pandemic hit in March 2020. William led the program, Tetiana organized the event and Vitaly and Matthias, along with other volunteer children, participated in song service.