VIDEO: How Can Parents Help Their Children Succeed in School?

Lisa Froelich, band and strings teacher at Chesapeake Conference's Spencerville Adventist Academy, hopes to raise her child to be successful in school.

Video by Richardo Castillo / Potomac Conference

At the NAD Educators' Convention, we asked teachers and educators a simple question: How can parents help their children succeed in school? Some responses might surprise you, while others inspire you.

  • Never be afraid to reach out or check in. It is not an annoyance or a hindrance.—John Musselman, high school math teacher, Spencerville Adventist Academy (Md.)
  • Support us by sending your kids to us, trusting us, and by acknowledging that we are professionals.—Brody Wiedemann, high school math teacher, Spencerville Adventist Academy (Md.)
  • Prayer is the number one way to support [our schools], because God owns the cattle on 1,000 hills, and His resources are ours.—Leona Bange, education superintendent, Pennsylvania Conference
  • Contact your local teacher or principal and ask them what it is they need that you could provide. Many times, our teachers may be hesitant to be specific with their needs and their desires. If you know of something you can do, or talent, [or] have a passion you have or a resource that you know, share that with them specifically.Leona Bange
  • The best way for people to support our Adventist schools is to send your kids to our Adventist schools. Send your grandkids. Tell your neighbors about our schools, because our schools are rich, and we want our children from our churches in our schools.—Tamaria Kulemeka, English teacher, grades 6–8, at AWC’s Columbus Adventist Academy (Ohio)
  • I think fundraising helps, but I think we have to encourage each other a lot as well.—Lee Hooever, teacher, grades 5–8, Ohio Conference’s Zanesville Adventist School