
Global Youth Day 2025- A Community Transformed

“A Community Transformed” is the theme for this year’s Global Youth Day, March 15. To celebrate this event, the General Conference Youth Ministries Department is inviting youth, ages 4 to 30, to get active in their churches, schools and cities to share the three angels’ messages.

In past years, groups around the world have helped elderly community members with chores, held special prayer sessions, visited residents of nursing homes, distributed food and more.

We can’t wait to see your creative ideas and projects! Tag the Visitor on Instagram: @columbiaunionvisitor.

Members of the Williamsport Adventist church pass out Great Controversys

Story by Tamyra Horst

Pennsylvania Conference’s Williamsport church has distributed 6,000 copies of The Great Controversy in their community over the last two years.

The evangelistic initiative began when member Amy Fulmer heard General Conference President Ted N.C. Wilson challenge the Seventh-day Adventist Church to distribute the books in 2023 and 2024. “We took him seriously,” she shares. “What a blessing it has been!”

Story by Amanda Blake

Many of the church leaders who spoke to the Visitor for the March/April 2025 issue’s feature article also shared pragmatic advice for congregations hosting meaningful holiday programs that connect people and point them to Jesus.

  • Start the legwork now by preaching sermons on outreach. Motivate members early.

  • When pitching the program to your church, ensure everyone understands the rationale behind the event: to connect  with people who are seeking a connection with God.

Academy students attend WAU's 2025 MusicFest.

Story by Simonique Dietz

Washington Adventist University (WAU) welcomed 176 academy students to its annual Music Fest, Feb. 12–15. Students from Atholton Adventist Academy, Pine Forge Academy, Shenandoah Valley Academy, Spencerville Adventist Academy, Takoma Academy, several academies from outside the union and several homeschool programs gathered for a musical experience that featured band, choir and orchestra performances.