
Perhaps you’ve heard of "No-Shave November"? Now it's time for your lawn to get in on the inaction.

A growing number of local towns and organizations are encouraging residents to hold off mowing their lawns for "No Mow May" (sometimes earlier depending on the geographic location). This, in addition to not using pesticides will allow local native plants to serve as food for early season pollinators.

Story by Pacific Press Staff

During the Adventist-laymen’s Services and Industries (ASI) International Convention in August 2021, General Conference President Ted Wilson announced an initiative to distribute up to one billion copies of Ellen White’s The Great Controversy worldwide. The book is a powerful tool for sharing the gospel and has been instrumental in the conversion of many Adventists worldwide.

The initiative encourages Seventh-day Adventists to read and share the final book in The Conflict of the Ages five-book series. The Great Controversy is a comprehensive look at the history of the world from a biblical perspective and the ultimate victory of God over Satan.

Darius Bridges, a member of the Sligo church in Takoma Park, Md., and his dad, Conrad, recently launched a YouTube channel called Personality Pups (P-Pups). Using 12 puppies with unique personalities, this platform teaches children about their place in God’s world and shares lessons such as how to work together despite differences. 

Twelve years ago, Darius, a child at the time, says he saw the world as a wonderful place. Using a white sheet of paper, he made an origami puppy he named Dot, adding a happy face and polka dots to it.

Then he took his creation to school where his classmates inspired him to keep creating. So he did, eventually creating his own world—Puppville—where Dot and her friends lived.

Image by Pixels from Pixabay

A recent study has confirmed what your Health Ministries director has long preached: It’s healthier to eat foods closer to their natural state than processed.

The study found that a high consumption of more ultra-processed foods with more additives, artificial flavors, sweeteners and preservatives is associated with a greater risk of cancer, especially ovarian and brain cancer.

Here are some resources from our archives to help: