New Jersey Conference

José H. Cortés Sr. and Dave Weigley pray together during a Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee meeting.

Historia de V. Michelle Bernard

José H. Cortés padre, presidente de la Conferencia de Nueva Jersey durante los últimos 10 años, se retira. Los líderes de la Unión, en la reunión de septiembre del Comité Ejecutivo, le dieron un reconocimiento a Cortés por sus 50 años de servicio a la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día, 30 de los cuales fueron en la Unión de Columbia.

photo by moritz320 on pixabay

Editorial by José H. Cortés Sr., president of the New Jersey Conference

I remember when my family moved to the New Jersey Conference 30 years ago. My wife, Celita, two sons, Jose Jr. and Josue, and I came after ministering in the Euro-African Division. We carried four nearly empty pieces of luggage, but our hearts were lled with dreams. Now as we look back, we only have expressions of gratitude. The

Lord’s hands have been upon us! God took our dreams and multiplied them infinitely. Through our sons, He brought us daughters: Joanne and Joyce. He also blessed us with grandkids: Jose III, Nadia, Joel and Emma. God has given us much more than we deserve, and His blessings keep raining upon us.