New Jersey Conference

The Triadelphia Sparks PBE team places first at the North American Division event. Photo courtesy North American Division

Eight teams from the Columbia Union Conference placed first at the recent North American Division Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) in Chicago. Six teams placed second. To achieve first place, a team must score 90 percent of the top scoring team's score. Second place teams must earn 80 percent of the top scoring team's score.

See the results below:

Allegheny East Conference

Genesis (NJ) Jaguars: Second Place
Liberty (Md.) Light Bearers Gold: First Place 

Photo by Claudio Ungari on Flickr

Editorial by José H. Cortés

No one—other than Jesus—has ever lived on this earth with a mission to save the entire world. No one has ever had an agenda as important as Christ. His mission was clear: “The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10, NIV).

When we support a cause, we usually have to “sacrifice” something, whether it be our time, money or resources. That wasn’t the case with Jesus. His sacrifice was not based on materialistic things, but on His blood. 

Interview by V. Michelle Bernard

José Cortés, New Jersey Conference president, was a young pastor when he was thrown into jail in Fidel Castro’s Cuba. Cortés shares this story in one of the North American Division’s sharing books, Never Lose Hope. Read more about the book and our interview with Cortés below.

Members of the Charleston Pathfinder club participate in the Columbia Union Conference Pathfinder Bible Experience event at Blue Mountain Academy. Photo by Lilac Martinez

Story by V. Michelle Bernard / Photos by Lilac Martinez

Sixteen Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) teams from the Columbia Union Conference will continue on to the North American Division finals in Chicago April 21-22.

Those sixteen teams from nine Pathfinder clubs placed first at the Columbia Union PBE event March 18 at Pennsylvania Conference’s Blue Mountain Academy in Hamburg, Pa.

Photo by odysseus-Studio on Flickr

Editorial by Paulo Macena

From the seashore, Jesus called out to Peter and Andrew: “‘Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.’ They immediately left their nets and followed Him” (Matt. 4:19, 20, NKJV).