Ohio Conference

Editorial by Darren Wilkins

As we celebrate Spring Valley Academy’s (SVA) 50th anniversary, we’ve chosen to highlight the “Year of Jubilee” for our school theme. In the Old Testament, jubilee was that wonderful time of debt forgiveness, freedom for slaves and restoration for the downtrodden. Jubilee was a reset. A new start.

Image by Marisa_Sias on Pixabay

In his latest book, Perfect Grace, Tom Hughes, pastor of Ohio Conference’s Newark and Lancaster churches, shares about discouragement that came from his endless pursuit of perfection. 
In the book, Hughes provides the remedy.

Read our interview with him below:

Visitor: How has the acceptance of resting in Jesus’ grace on our behalf made an impact in your life?

Hughes: I’ve learned that we can’t add anything to God’s perfect grace, we just accept his glorious gift of salvation full and free!

Ty Wright photographed Mariya Marton

Story by Shannon Kelly/ Photos by Ty Wright

Mariya Marton recalls with painful clarity the day her life turned upside down. She was pursuing a Master of Arts in Practical Theology and completing her residency at Ohio State University's hospital in Columbus, when she started feeling dizzy and sick.