
Story by Heidi Shoemaker

The idea to write this book was ignited when I spent some time on the plains of Moab (in the modern country of Jordan), just east of the Jordan River,” says Patrick Mazani, pastor of the Ohio Conference's Findlay district. Fully convinced that history holds the key to understanding the future of the world, Mazani closely examines the biblical account of ancient Israel in their last camp just before crossing into the Promised Land.

Roland Hill’s wife, Susie, was tired of hearing Hill complaining that there wasn’t a deep Christian book about success, so she encouraged the stewardship guru to write his own book.

Six months later, Hill, a pastor at Allegheny East Conference’s Maranatha church in Fredericksburg, Va., and Penuel church in Brandy Station, Va., noticed the prayer of Eliezer in Genesis 24:12—a prayer for success. His latest book, Success is Bigger Than Me, delves into all areas of success in Christian living.

The book includes an 8-week study guide designed to help readers ignite their lives and change their world, says Hill.

Story by Pacific Press Staff

Reading through the Bible is something we know we ought to do—but following through often proves a sticking point for many Christians in spite of all the good reading plans available. Andy Rau, former senior manager for Bible Gateway in speaking to the importance of reading the Bible every day, says, "The Bible isn't a magic book of ancient wisdom; it's a book about life and about God's love for you. Our relationship with God is informed by Scripture, and according to Jesus this relationship is what gives us life itself." 

Photo by Congerdesign on Pixabay

Interview by V. Michelle Bernard

Alexis Goring (pictured below), a member of Potomac Conference’s Restoration Praise Center in Bowie, Md., recently published A Second Chance, the fictional story of a young woman who gets a surprising second start, with one big stipulation. Read out interview with her to find out more.

Visitor: What inspired you to write A Second Chance