
Interview by V. Michelle Bernard

José Cortés, New Jersey Conference president, was a young pastor when he was thrown into jail in Fidel Castro’s Cuba. Cortés shares this story in one of the North American Division’s sharing books, Never Lose Hope. Read more about the book and our interview with Cortés below.

 Leaving the past behind and moving to a new life

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Diego Boquer, pastor of Chesapeake Conference’s Living Word church in Glen Burnie, Md., recently wrote “Journey to Freedom: Leaving the past behind and moving to a new life,” a 40-day devotional on the book of Exodus. He’s encouraging his church family to start 2017 by studying the Bible in companion with his book in preparation for a year of evangelism.

Former Councilwoman Deborah A. Hill recently published "The Power of Encouragement" Determinations That Define Your Destiny.

Her book shares encouragement and how your dreams with God's help can take you from your history into your destiny. Hill is an Elder at The Southeast Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Cleveland, Ohio. The book can be purchased onlulu.com, amazon.com, and barnes & noble.com. Visit her website at www.deborahahill.com.

Story by V. Michelle Bernard / Feature image by Personal Creations on Flickr

Spice up your summer dinner table with help from some new cookbooks. We surveyed the book purchasers from Potomac Conference’s LivingWell in Silver Spring, Md., to find the best new vegan cookbooks. See their favorite picks below.





Vegan Homestyle by Kay Hansen and published by Pacific Press, offers more than 240 vegan recipes like Pesto & Tomato Pizza, Veggie fajitas and cranberry cheesecake.